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In this book, “Rediscovering the Original and Authentic You,” begins by rediscovering the very essence of whom God made you to be, and what God designed you to do. A kingdom vision is when God gives you a clear plan for your life. Once you have that plan God will order your steps. The original and authentic ‘YOU were made in the image of Almighty God to live as kingdom citizens on the earth ruling with authority and power over every circumstance in life. This is God’s original plan for man. This is His plan for you. His plan is for you to conquer every circumstance that rise up against you. You have been given power and authority to conquer. You are kingdom citizens. You are not supposed to be sick. God has given you power over sickness. You are not supposed to be poor. God has given you power over poverty. You’re supposed to be successful. Success is not just having money. Success is being whole in every area of your life. You’re successful when you have Jesus. It’s not after you have a million dollars in your bank account. God wants you to live a whole life on earth today as kingdom citizens. God has given the power and authority to you to rule and reign on earth right now in this 21st century.
SOLD on Amazon
- ISBN-13: 979-8605858928
- ASIN: B0849X45MH
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